32nd Avenue Bar & Grill
2650 Judah Street (at 32nd Avenue)
San Francisco, CA 94122
(415) 661-4465
Francine Kamoku, Manager
This Island-style bar and grill features entertainment on the weekends.
148 North Milpitas Boulevard (in the Milpitas Town Center)
Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 946-9260
Managers: Marian and Richard Nashiro
For catering call: (408) 263-6189, Toll Free (888) ALOOOHA
FAX (408) 263-8347
Closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
This wonderful restaurant has been serving authentic and very tasty Hawaiian food since 1993.
Visit their website for hours of operations, menus, directions, and more.
You can also find their products at many
of the local Polynesian events or through
mail order.
98-1277 Kaahumanu Street, Suite 321
Aiea, HI 96701
(808) 454-0757, FAX (808) 455-9760
Manager: Kevin Matsubara
This market carries alot of authentic Hawaiian food that is flown in fresh from Hawaii every Thursday.
Diablo Oriental Food
2590 North Main Street
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 933-2590
Owner: Steve Matsushita
Closed Sundays
This new restaurant serves authentic plate-style Hawaiian lunches and more.
Hawaiian Pacific Grill
151 North Santa Cruz Avenue (near Nicholson Avenue)
Los Gatos, CA 95030
(408) 395-8800
Gorden Lam and Justin Wong
Hawaiian Walk In Restaurant
402 - 404 15th Street (between Broadway and Franklin Street)
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 839-9391
Jimmy Zhou
Closed Sundays
This restaurant serves wonderful plate-style lunches.
Island Barbecue
637 South B Street (near 7th Avenue)
San Mateo, CA 94401
(650) 344-5109
Billy Padilla
Closed Mondays
Join them for Karaoke or "Cafeoke" every Friday night from 7-10pm. You can even check online to see what music they have so you can brush up on your singing.
Other events include Blitz Chess on Wednesdays from 7-9pm; Ukelele lessons on Thursdays from 7:30-8:30pm; and live music every Saturday night.
Kaleo Cafe
1340 Irving Street (between 14th and 15th Avenues)
San Francisco, CA 94122
Phone (415) 753-2460
Manager: David Hiwahiwa Alfiche
This catering company specializes in "Imu" baked Kalua pig. Call them for your next luau.
Kaukini Enterprises
Sunnyvale, CA
(408) 732-5230, FAX (408) 992-0432
Lyle Kaukini Duvauchelle
Kirstie's Kookies
P. O. Box 4673
Antioch, CA 94531
(925) 753-0447
Debbie Morita-Wilgus and Paul Wilgus
These cookies can be purchased at most local Polynesian events or at the following locations:
Double Rainbow Ice Cream (SF and Oakland)
The Hawai'i Store (SF)
Paradise Island Juice and Java (Redwood City)
Sun Jose Hawaii (San Jose)
Takahashi Market (San Mateo)
You can also call the phone number above to purchase directly.
Lappert's Ice Cream and Coffee
656 Rancho Shopping Center (Foothill Expressway and South Springer Road)
Los Altos, CA 94024
(650) 949-5680, FAX (650) 948-8630
Jakshi (Jay) Bharwad
Featuring gourmet coffee, ice cream, and dog treats.
Paradise Island Juice and Java
2119 Broadway Street (between Middlefield Road and Jefferson Avenue)
Redwood City, CA 94063
Phone (650) 368-5544
Sue Thompson
Closed Saturdays and Sundays.
Portuguese Bakery
2082 El Camino Real (at Scott Boulevard in the Mervyn's Plaza)
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 984-2234
Joe and Odilia Moreira
Closed Sundays.
Featuring malasadas (doughnuts) and Portugese Sweet Bread.
First Sunday of the Month:
3:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Every Friday & Saturday:
5:30 pm - 12:00 midnight
The Templebar Restaurant & Bar
984 University Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94710
(510) 548-9888, FAX (510) 526-5845
Kem and Rosalyn Loong
Don't miss the Aloha Sunday Open Mic!
See the event page.
Tita's Hale 'Aina
3870 17th Street at Pond Street (between Sanchez and Noe Streets)
San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 626-2477
Since opening in 1997, this restaurant has satisfied many with the unique Hawaiian dishes.