The Hawaiian Language
The Hawaiian language is one of the most beautiful languages in my opinion. It is spoken only in Hawaii and is most commonly combined with English or sung in chants and dances.

The Hawaiian language has 12 letters:

H   K   L   M   N   P   W   A   E   I   O   U


Aloha (ah lo hah) - means hello, goodbye, love, spirit of Hawaii, friendly.
Mahalo (ma ha low) - means Thank You.
Pau (pow) - means finished.
Wiki (wee kee) - means quick.
Imu (ee moo) - is the underground oven that is used to make a kalua pig.
Wahine (wa hee nay) - is a woman.
Pali (pah lee) - is a cliff.
Lu'au (loo-ow) - is a Hawaiian feast.
Hula (hoolah) - is a beautiful Hawaiian dance.
Hale (hahlay) - is a house.
Ohana (o hah nah) - is your family.
Mauka (m ow kah) - towards the mountain.
Makai (mahk eye) - towards the ocean.
Mu'u mu'u (moo moo) - is a Hawaiian style dress.
The Meaning of Aloha
Akahai = Kindness, expressed with tenderness

Lokahi = Unity, expressed with harmony.

Olu Olu = Agreeable, expressed with pleasantness.

Ha aha a = Humility, expressed with modesty.

Ahonui = Patience, expressed through perseverence.